
13. Food For Thought – Quote ; Thant Myint-U in “The River of Lost Footsteps”

17 september 2019 Page 41 : “The most striking aspect of the Burma debate today is its absence of nuance and its singularly ahistorical nature. Dictatorship and the prospects for democracy are seen within the prism of the past ten or twenty years, as if three Anglo-Burmese wars, a century of colonial rule, an immensely […]

12. The status of national self-determination

17 september 2019 In the history of Europe as I described it in my book LIBERAL QUICKSAND I assign an important place to the principle of National Self Determination (PNSD). It was invoked throughout recent history to justify the creation of new nations/states. To a certain degree the principle is used ( but only sparsely) […]

11. Book Review ; Philippe Van Parijs ; “Linguistic Justice” – discussion

17 september 2019 A first impression after reading this book was one of confusion and disbelief. The approach seemed so very distant from reality by focusing on the concept of Global Egalitarian Justice based on a global English speaking Demos that I was afraid that philosophy, by definition, was and had to be irrelevant for […]

10. Food for Thought – quote ; F. Fukuyama in : “On Identity”

17 september 2019 On the pages 136-137 of his book F. Fukuyama describes an essential weakness of political liberalism as a philosophy : “The political theorist Pierre Manent notes that most democracies were built on top of preexisting nations, societies that already had a well-developed sense of national identity that defined the sovereign people. But […]

9. Book Review ; Philippe Van Parijs ; Linguistic Justice – Summary

17 september 2019 In Chaper 1 PvP takes note in a factual way that English has become the lingua franca of Europe and probably of the whole world. From a normative perspective he wellcomes the existence of a universal lingua franca and this especially because of his interest to achieve Egalitarian Global Justice. PvP is very outspoken […]

6. Nationalism is a progressive force

13 september 2019 Nationalism is an emotionally loaded term. It should not be like that. Nationalism refers in the first place to the process which started with the French Revolution whereby a nation creates a state or a state a nation with a linguistically homogeneous territory. An ideology that drives the process can an be […]

5. Dutch – Confederalisme

9 september – update 7 oktober 2019 Centraal in het NVA-discours staat het vaste voornemen om de Belgische staatsstructuur om te vormen in confederale zin. De enen lachen “confederalisme” weg als een onduidelijk begrip. Anderen zien dit als een ietwat moeilijker term voor wat in realiteit onversneden separatisme is. Nog anderen stellen dat de huidige […]

2. Dutch -Brussels separatisme

12 juli 2019 Het Vlaamse aandringen op meer autonomie en onafhankelijkheid en de terugkerende roep om confederalisme, worden vanuit diverse hoeken uitermate negatief bekeken, op gelach onthaald, of voorgesteld als een fata morgana. Tegelijk ontwikkelt zich in het spoor van dit Vlaams nationalisme iets dat de naam verdient van “Brussels nationalisme”. Dit kan dan weer […]

1. Dutch -Boekbespreking ; Bart De Wever ; “Over Identiteit”

12 juli 2019 Bart De Wever schreef een essay over Identiteit. Zijn uitgangspunt is dat de Europese samenleving uit elkaar dreigt te vallen. In concreto lijkt hij vooral beducht voor de fragmenterende werking van de radicale Islam. Als oplossing verdedigt hij de nood aan een leidcultuur die zou steunen op vier principes. Vooreerst dient de Overheid neutraal […]