
71. Bruce Springsteen – political philosopher

23 oktober 2021 On page 4 of his new book “Reset” Mark Elchardus quotes a paragraph from a Bruce Springsteen song. This should not surprise anyone. Years ago i sometimes told friends that Bruce was the most important political philosopher I knew. In his songs Springsteen has on some occasions reflected the individual that fights […]

67. “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini

23 augustus 2021 After a long delay and incentivized by recent events in Afghanistan I’ve only recently read Khaled Hosseini’s book “The Kite Runner”. A central item around which the story has been woven is the treatment of the Hazara, a minority in Afghanistan. They suffer from discrimination both by Pashtun tribes and Taliban. I […]

66. Jordi Pujol – Tiempo de Construir 1980-1993 (Catalunya)

21 augustus 2021 In the second part of his biography Jordi Pujol describes how he built the Catalonian institutions shortly after the death of dictator Franco. Reading this biography it becomes clear how the political situations of Flanders and Catalonia differ profoundly from each other: (1) While Flemings form the majority in Belgium, Catalonia is […]

65. Moving to the right ?

21 augustus 2021 Sometimes the statement is made that politics is nowadays moving to the right, that public opinion is adopting opinions which were considered 20 years ago to be rightist or even extreme rightist. In that context specially reference is made to two different themes: (1) discussions on migration and citizenship; (2) deconstruction of […]

62. Review : “The bridge on the Drina” by Ivo Andric

21 juli 2021 In this book Andric describes the history of the bridge over the Drina in the Bosnian (Serbian) city of Visegrad. He describes how it was being built on orders of the son- in- law of the sultan, Mehmet Pasha Sokolli, and follows its life until what happens during World War 1. It […]

61. Review of : “Les deracines” by Maurice Barres

21 juli 2021 In this book, the French author, describes the whereabouts of seven young people who leave their native ground of Lorraine for Paris, after receiving a training from professor Bouteiller, a Kantian professor of filosophy. We follow how they live and survive in the French capital. Two of them, Racadot and Mouchefrin, become […]

56. “Liberty and coercion -the paradox of American government” by Gary Gerstle

13 maart 2021 In this book Gerstle succesfully explains major constraints in American politics which enable us to understand current explosive tensions between Democrats and Republicans and sometimes tensions within both parties. From independance on there existed a major contrast between the Central State and the different states. As described by Gerstle, it seems as […]

54. Summary of “verblind door universalisme”/ “blinded by universalism”

2 februari 2021 After the victory of liberalism in 1989 the world changed in one open space. People who did not feel at home in this new environment experienced these developments as a chaos organised by a progressive elite. These people were in need of a Structure that would protect and defend them and in […]

51. Book Review : “The Mandibles, a Family, 2029-2047” by Lionel Shriver

8 januari 2020 In this book Lionel Shriver tells the story how the Mandible family deals with the decay of the USA and the dollar, and the loss of the family fortune. As such she describes how the family deals with “the notion of a lost everything, a permanent, irreversible decline – it’s alien to […]

47. Green Deal

14 december 2019 Ursula von der leyen, the new President of the European Commission, presented the “Green Deal” to the European Parliament. The intention is to make “Europe” carbon/climate-neutral by 2050. On 12-13 December the Green Deal was discussed at the level of the European Commission which reached a “unanimous” decision (with an exception for […]

44. Book Review ; Jan-Werner Müller: What is populism ?

10 december 2019 In this small book, JWM proposes a definition which describes populism as a style of performing politics (and NOT as a set of political statements). For him populism is a way of performing politics in a democracy which claims to make the democracy stronger while in fact it erodes key elements of […]

43. Book Review : Yascha Mounk – The People vs. Democracy

24 november 2019 Mounk starts from the given that Liberal Democracy as a political model is under attack all over the world. He sees how illiberal democracies and undemocratic “liberal” states come into existence and formulates the proposition that Liberal Democracy maybe only functioned well within certain constraints (“scope conditions”). (Fareed Zakaria had years ago […]

41. Book Review : Kishore Mahbubani – Has the West Lost it ?

22 november 2019 In this small book (only 91 pages) , KM confronts the West with some harsh realities. He starts from two key propositions : (1) In the past 30 years, i.e. since 1989, the world made an enormous progress. During that process the relative weight of the West versus the Rest (KM’s word), […]